The Galaxy S9+ and Galaxy S9 will be launched in Germany in the Polaris Blue color. Samsung’s flagship models in the Polaris blue colors are already available in Chinese and South Korean markets. But now, Samsung has decided to launch it in other countries as well.
Originally, both colors were announced for China and South Koria as Ice Blue, and now both the models will be available for sale in early December. The estimated price will be €849 for Galaxy S9 and €949 for Galaxy S9+.
There will be a difference in Storage space in both the models of the Ice Blue model for China/Korea and the Polaris Blue model announced for Germany. The Ice Blue color was available with 128GB of internal storage, while the Polaris blue model, which will be available in Germany, will be available in 64GB internal memory.
Samsung’s users will be expecting the Polaris Blue color for Note 9 as well, but unfortunately, there is no announcement for such a version.